I’ve been laying out the ribs and cutting the support angles and I’m finding that the TR plans seem to be more accurate to the Phlogiston spars than the HR plans, including the notes on https://vincesrocket.com/ for HR plans corrections. But I’m still finding some oddities in the spar. The places where TR plans say to leave […]

After a lot of research on various airplanes over the years, and with the F1 over the past several months, I know the important things to focus on (i hope!) and one of the biggest ones is the wings. Most importantly, how to keep them attached to the airplane, both initially, as well as over […]

Serial Number 230 – F1 Rocket (RV-4 on steroids!) Yep. Those are the plans serial number assigned to my build. I think that’s going to represent my top speed in knots. 😁 I’ve been dreaming about it for decades. I’ve been attending the annual Oshkosh Airventure show since 1998. I’ve lusted after the Glassairs, the […]

I’m very excited to partner in this wonderful plane with a brother from a different mother! ADS-B in and out, WAAS GPS with GPSS coupled to 2-axis AP and slaved HSI, backup/secondary ILS, Shoulder Harnesses, State of the art engine monitors with GAMIs, Rosen Sunvisors, many freshly overhauled items. FAA lists it as a ’69, […]

Highlights: IO-520 BB engine, 585 SFREMAN (2009) and 40 STOP with RAM Nickel Cylinders and GAMIs EDM-900 engine monitor Aspen 1000 Pro with synthetic Vision and AOA Full Avidyne stack with ADS-B out 100 Gallon fuel capacity with 92 usable 174 knots 100 degrees ROP (16 GPH) at 8000 feet or 167 knots 30 LOP […]